Birds of the Yard

May 26, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

So all in one day I was able to capture three different types of yard birds. I Robin was making his nest, 

and a woodpecker couple were in and out of the nest they made inside a tree. 

Towards the end of the day I saw some blue birds bouncing around within the trees. 

Although the robin and the blue birds were cute the woodpeckers were my favorite. I rarely ever get to hear them let alone see them and what are the odds that these two made a home in a tree that I had complete access to. They came and they went however one seemed to always be by the tree. 

Over the hours I spent waiting for them to do their thing I saw some itches, some wing flaps, heard some calls, saw heads poking out, and butts going in. It is always interesting capturing mates do their thing around their nest. 


More photographs are for sale under my nature/wildlife portfolio. Enjoy :)


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